Welcome to our carnival.

Street wise sanctuary of song and dance to bring a message of joy and light into the darkness.

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"In a search to discover the difference between life and lifestyle"

- Jahpetto from the Ghetto


Solomon Deniro and the One Wish Carnival sit on the 50-yard line and see both sides of the story…. In the battle between truth and chaos, OWC uses music to heal and help a generation of youth yearning for truth.

Listen to our latest releases

Modern Day Miracle

Dedicated to those who fight for Freedom and believe that we as a people are stronger than the Tyrants that seek to destroy and divide us.

Press 1 For English

One Wish Carnival (ft. Shorty Wonder) present this blues number titled "Press 1 for English".

"Don't look to the left, don’t look to the right, look straight ahead, straight right 2 me"

Solomon Deniro